What exactly is a tribe? Simply put, a tribe is a human social group that;

  • Evolves together
  • Moves together
  • Hunts together.

The idea of tribe is at the heart of the platform. In the context of LetsDecide platform;

  • A tribe can be your entire company or organization, a team or a group within a company, or even a small set of people living in a community.
  • A tribe has a specific purpose or an objective mostly derived by what the people on the tribe do. For example, it could be a finance or a sales team in a company, a leadership team, or even a party planning committee.
  • Every user on the LetsDecide platform belongs to one or more tribe.
  • All users belong to the Global tribe. (What is Global tribe?)
  • A decision belongs to exactly one tribe. In other words, you create and manage decisions within a tribe.
  • A decision in one tribe is not visible to the other tribes including the Global tribe.
  • Tribes can either be public or private.
  • Anyone can join a tribe that is public by simply searching for a tribe and adding themselves.
  • Only a tribe owner can add users to a tribe.

Listing all the tribes you belong to:

You can use the dropdown at the center of the toolbar to;

  • Identify the current tribe you have logged into.
  • List of all the tribes you belong to.

Tribe Actions:

  • Once you are logged in, you should be able to;
    • Create new tribes.
    • Join a public tribe
    • Edit details of the tribe you own.
    • Leave a tribe you are part of.
    • Add more users to tribes you own.